A Blog about Henge-keeping
The Age of Aquarius will come in 430 years....or, the day after tomorrow.
More to come.
First harvest from Stickhenge
My first potato harvest shows that Henge farming is not a bad idea.
Setting up the Zodiac.
Now that that Equinoxes are established, the Zodiac can be applied to be Henge. The Equinox falls not directly between Aquarius and Pisces but six degrees counter clockwise. Each sign of the Zodiac is thirty degrees wide. Each degree is equal to one day of the Moon's orbit around the Earth.
The Precession of the Equinox and the Zodiac
It's taken me a long time to figure out the Equinox in order to sync Stickhenge to Zodiac but I think I have it now. I'll start by placing the Equinox post at the East position and also use it as a division of the Zodiac. This division is between Aries and Pieces in the Tropical Zodiac. I'm following Vedic Astrology what I'm really interested in is the Sidereal Zodiac. The Sidereal Zodiac follows the actual position of the stars, which move one degree opposite to the Sun every 72 years. The two Zodiac systems are different because they were established over two thousand years ago. The systems will realign but that will be over twenty three thousand years in the future. Stickhenge is calibrated to the sky as it is now, which is roughly 6°NE.
Get the Sun, Moon and Planets together for a little fun.
To make a proper calendar, you need to find the Sun,the Moon and five planets, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. These seven heavenly bodies represent the seven days of the week. The next thing to do is to get familiar with the Sun's path through the sky, called the Eliptic. The five planets orbit the Sun so they follow the Sun's path but their positions change depending on their orbit. When you get used to seeing them in the sky, it's easy to imagine the planets interacting in a story; this is what ancient people thought.
Meet the Sun, the Moon and Planets
There's a lot to learn about Astronomy..,so why bother? Try out some astronomy phone apps and select your favourites. I'm still using several apps because I can't decide on a favourite. It's hard to find one app that does everything, especially when you don't want to pay for it. The apps I use are: * Sun Position Demo and Lunisolar. The nice thing about an app is it can tell you where the Sun is even on a cloudy day, or where the Moon is on a cloudy night.....or in the bathroom.
To make a proper calendar, you need to find the Sun,the Moon and five planets, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. These seven heavenly bodies represent the seven days of the week.
Meet your friend Yourself
If you are an experienced in meditation, this introduction to Yourself can be added to your regular meditation; others should start with an introduction to meditation before adding this aspect. If you don't meditate in a classic sense, you can still be| mindful of the things around you......and everything is around you. You are the centre of the universe. Only you can see the universe from your point of view .In fact you create your own horizon which is one of the main components of a Henge. You are also the measuring device for your universe. Here at Stickhenge I use the Egyptian Cubit which is the distance from your elbow to fingertip and the Royal Cubit which is four digits longer. The digit is the with of your finger and twice he diameter of the Sun. I used the Cubit because it was easier for me to make a measuring stick. You can do what you like in your universe.
The Cardinal Directions and What They Do.
The Cardinal Directions North and South, represent not only the direction of the Earth's north and south poles, which are the axis of rotation, but also represent the clock positions 12:00 Noon (south) and 12:00 Midnight (north). East and West
Henge Mindfulness
Mindfulness is a practice of taking time to notice and appreciate the things around us. Henge Mindfulness goes beyond most others to experience the motion of the universe and our place within it. Henge Mindfulness puts all of us at the centre of the universe and begins with the statement "I am the centre of my universe" "When the universe began everything was in the same spot which I occupy now and everything was the same thing" "I am connected to everything".
The next thing to do is to become familiar with the Cardinal Directions, North, South, East and West. You can use a phone app or compass to find North. You can add each direction to your meditation routine at your own pace. There is no hurry. Hengeing can take thousands of years.
Why is this so hard?
I've spent enough time puzzling over why nobody is able to figure out Stonehenge. I see that the answer is quite obvious.
I'm no longer going to concern myself with the general or accepted view of Stonehenge. I'm also not going to worry if my Henge operates in exactly the same way as the original.
Stickhenge includes the design of Stonehenge and operates on the principals of Vedic Astrology and Astrolabe Astronomy and Timekeeping. Stickhenge will also include any variation or experimentation that I see fit.