Henge Gardening
Planting in raised beds
I'm trying to find as many uses for Stickhenge as possible. Not to diminish Stickhege's astronomical uses, Henge Gardening is the most productive and attractive use for a Henge. It's certainly the best way for a Henge to earn its keep.
My Henge Garden is a raised bed "no dig" system. The garden plan started off as a circle in the middle of the Henge divided in four, to indicated the angles of the rising and setting Sun. I then expanded the plan to included the area between the first and second circle of posts to make thirty wedge shaped garden plots that are five and a half feet wide at the back and five and a half feet deep. Each bed can be built up to three feet high with logs or wattle, depending on the use. Some sections can be used for composting or storage. Plastic sheets can be added to sections for greenhouse space.
Fascinating Fascines.
I build the raised gardens at Stickhenge with Fascines. They are a soil reinforcement and an ancient weapon of war. In peactime, Fascines are used to reinforce shorelines and other places that are subject to erosion. I use Fascines to build up and contain my gardening beds. I need to raise the soil level because it's so wet in the spring and the soil isn't very fertile. This year I planted in cardboard boxes. It worked well enough forme to go ahead with preparing full sized garden plots for next year.